Wednesday, 30 September 2009

End of September

Hi all. Well, here we are at the end of September, and what a wonderful month it's been here in Cambridge. I always think it's the best month of the year.
On Monday I went for the first of my 'childhood' immunisations. This one was for Meningitis. No wonder babies of 6 months scream when they get this one. Not the most comfortable of injections. This has no reflection on the nurse who administered it, as her technique was very good, (I know, I've had a few injections recently) but the vaccine was rather thick.
I'm still working 2 days a week. I do enjoy it but I find I am very weary at the end of the day. Everything happens so fast! I think I've got used to a slower pace of life. I hope to move up to 3 days soon as I can't achieve everything I want to in 2
Jeanette and I are planning an Orchard (sounds grand, but only 3 to 4 trees) at the end of the garden and with some help form friends have almost finished clearing the scrub and weeds. The next step is to get the fence fixed. We spent a day on Sunday at a show where there were fruit tree experts and they had lots of old local varieties which were very interesting. We have a tonne of info to work through before we make decisions on what to buy. But November is planting month so we need to get a shift on.
Keep well all of you.

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