Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Day 22

I'm well folks, sorry I've been quiet for a couple of days, when I haven't been so good. Came out of hospital and felt great for a day or two - GCSF and euphoria - then I went downhill, felt sick and very very very tired. Yesterday I went in for blood tests. Neuts- 0.68 WBC 1.3, lower than when I came out but still OK. After that I think I slept for the rest of the day and night and was grumpy in between. To misquote Grauco Marx to a hostess, ' I've had a wonderful day, but this wasn't it'.
My bike arrived yesterday, actually I think it may be a 'Vincitore' which is better than a 'Strada', which I am pleased about, but the paint job, though adequate, has spoilt some of the nicer features. For one the serial number is obscured so I cant find out for sure which model it is, or the age. I may need to get it resprayed.. Perhaps I should ride it first.
Yesterday was my 3 week post transplant anniversary.
So today altogether better, though still very weak and tired. Although I have eaten better today. Take it day by day and compare weeks I was told yesterday. Good advice.


DL said...

The Vincitore is 19.3% better than the Strada - please contact me if you need the detail behind my calculation.
Glad to have you back.

Anonymous said...

Whew...glad you're back blogging. Leaving the hospital had to be great but it's still an adjustment to get back home. Not bad about your Neuts considering you're probably not on some medications at home and you're more active. Don't won't be long before you're pedaling your way all over the countryside.
Hang Tough,

CharlieT said...

To DL re our comment about the London to Cambridge being hard. Sarah told me the reason she was doing star jumps etc. was to get the circulation back in her legs as she was sitting with them up on the bars for most of the journey.