Friday, 15 May 2009

Zero plus 3

Hi Guys,
I'm just posting a quick update as Charles is still not feeling great. He's had another rough day - side effect of the chemo on Monday unfortunately. Anyway apart from sickness and feeling rotten he is OK - no temperature or sore mouth which is good. They continue to do 4 hourly observations and he has a drip up again to keep his fluids up. His blood counts are dropping but still OK and he's not neutropenic yet.
Hopefully Charles will be back tomorrow - being funny etc. but in the mean time thank you all for comments & good wishes, it makes a difference.
Jeanette x
PS thanks Sam, Heidi & Lara for your fantastic pictures and letters, I've put them up on Charles wall in his room


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Jeanette. Looking for Charles to start up soon with his witticism. Praying this phase ends quickly for him.
Charles, your doctor probably told you to avoid any unnecessary when the bill not open it!
Hang tough, Gerry

Graham said...

Sorry to hear you've had a rough day Charles.

We're all thinking of you.

If you need a smile just switch on the news - there's jokes a plenty in our Parliament at the moment! None of us can compete with that ;@

Hope the nurses are pretty


Unknown said...

Get well soon Charles.
Neutrophils are SOOOOO last year.