Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Day 8

The day dawns and I feel so much better - with provisions of course-. Sickness seems to be under control, but if it's not one end it has to be the other. No details will be provided. A gentleman must have some secrets. At least I can eat. I would recommend the 'C10' diet, I've managed to drop 8 kg since I arrived (that's about 18 Lbs for our imperial cousins over the pond). This is probably the lightest I've been for about 20 years, which just shows how fat we get without really thinking about it.
There's a wee man in my toilet today. Just to confirm it's a workman fitting some new grab handles.
I've managed some lunch today - Shepherd's pie, and it's stayed down... so far.
A nice day over the Gogs, the wind seems to have dropped today judging by the trees. The Wheat isn't in ear yet, but it's couple of weeks early yet, I may just see it before I go.
Right, off to my Stats package to construct some data for you.....


DL said...

Glad to have you back!

Unknown said...

Dear Charles 'The Phoenix' Tasker

'The Phoenix' sounds good, doesn't it - a much better superhero name than 'The Cow', which despite initial protestations, Ron seems to have adopted.

So pleased your nausea is a bit better. Good luck with corking the other end.

Jeanette - huge hugs and wishes whilst you juggle the working/supporting roles, must be totally exhausting. Everyone at Headway thinks you're a marvel and is right with you.

Not long now!

RTDJ and S x

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling a bit better today. Hopefully your shepards pie continues to follow the correct path...but not too fast. I guess with the 8kg weight loss it's a positive albeit not the way you would prefer to lose weight. Thanks for the conversion from kg to makes my life easier.
Hang Tough, Gerry

George Cowie said...


Glad to hear you are keeping better.
I didn't have any sickness when I was in but I do know about the other end.
I have an appointment at Jenny Craig's clinic on Friday, but I will not be able to visit you as I have been laid low with a chest infection and I wouldn't want to pass it on to you.
Keep your pecker up the blood counts will soon start to rise and you will be out of there in no time.

All the best,
George Cowie
PS. the girls at the support group think this is a bloke's blog.

Jeanette said...

Just wanted to say having my mum has been a great help. I wouldn't have been able to juggle everything so well (?) without her keeping everything going at home. I know the kids have appreciated her being their as well - they've even had clothes ironed which never normally happens !
Thanks Mum
Jeanette x x

lynda said...

Hi Charles
Great to hear you are feeling a little better today. I'm sure you agree it's been a long week!!!
Here's a quick catch up on number 13's garden and wildlife:
Fish have been spawning today and there has been a hopeful heron in the garden. Oh how I hate those birds since a greedy bird emptied my pond last year.
Anyway sawston heron had no luck.
The garden is looking great and everything in the greenhouse is growing a mile a minute. I am sure Jeanette has kept you up to date and I guess you saw the photos of the new bean shoots as she was out in the garden taking pics on her mobile phone.
Yorkshire had a tick and Alice and I performed a surgical procedure to remove it. Well actually it wasn't so much a surgical procedure as Alice holding her tight and me pulling out the tick with tweezers. It was gross so wont go into the gory details.Jeanette and I have noticed a visiting finch which happily eats the seeds from a small clump of dandelions. Well done that finch! (saw today he brought his partner to help out)
Chickens still laying the occasional egg and rolling around in the dirt.
Poppy is still scared of everything and Yorkshire is making the most dreadful noise whilst I am writing to you. So not much change there.
Does this all sound boring? Sorry but thought boring might be a change from all the excitement of the past week!
Anyway, really pleased with the news today.Here's to an even better tomorrow.
Loads of love.
Lynda x

Karen said...

Great to hear from you again Charles. Hopefully things are on the up (not out!)now. Getting addicted to this blog malarchy.....find myself checking at random times of the day to see if your here. Lovely suprise today as you've had such a rough couple of days.
Karen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Charles
So pleased you are feeling a bit better. Keep it up! Good that you can eat too, Barrie never got that problem with a sore mouth, but did lose his appetite.
Barrie had the op for a 'nail' in his arm yesterday afternoon and seems fine today, not too much pain. When he rang mne last night, I thought it was some drunk on the 'phone, I didn't recognise him! Hope to have him home for the weekend, it's his birthday on Sunday! Love to you and J
Monika x

Phil said...

Hey great to hear you're feeling a bit better, and I'm just thinking how much 8kg would be - is it nearly an armful, like Tony Hancock?

Perhaps there needs to be a support group within the support group, something like "blokey blogger and proud"